Thursday 28 November 2013

Brief 1: Experiments

From looking at Urban Outfitters illustrative techniques that it is their photo fromaes it then made me look into a paper illustrator that i like called Rob Ryan. He makes these massive paper cut outs that takes him ages to cut out as they are so detailed. I like how hand rendered it is, I really like the text on them as each letter is different, below I have experimented with my own paper cutting I did quickly advertising Marks and Spencers, I think it has worked well, I many try this with photographs however all this will need to be scanned in as it all needs to be resolved on photoshop. 

Kate Moross
I have been heavily inspired by the urban outfitters designs, I think they have captured my attention because they are aimed at my age range. Their designs reminded me of Kate Morross' work which I love, because it is so illustrative and playful. Below are a couple of Kate Morross' designs that reminded me of the brand urban outfitters. 

Below are a few film photos that I took in Prague with a blue tinted film, I think this would suit the Urban Outfitters theme well, however when scanned in and enlarged they will go blurry. 

Above is a quick experiment that I tried with my film photo and just some hand typography and doodling, I have used tracing paper as I think it give the film photo some extra opacity and masks it, I like this idea but again I would have to scan it in and experiment further in photoshop. 

Here is a quick experiment with the brand Topshop, I used one of my photos and added the logo, I was just dying to see whether it would fit well, and I think it does as it looks like one of their posters.  

David Hockney
When looking at photo frames for the montage ones I saw I and the idea of putting all different photos in the different frames to build up a picture a bit like the technique that David Hockney uses to make his 'joiner' photos, below is an example.  

Above I experimented with the technique myself with my flat mate, it hasn't worked s well as I would go liked and I think it is a difficult thing to do, I find it interesting how Hockney used to do it with film and had one shot at it, it was hard enough doing it digitally. 

Above is one of my final experiments, I'm not sure whether I want to actually brand this as Urban Outfitters. The logo on my experiment above is the current logo, they change their logo alot! I have also used the font 'pacifo' for the '6x4' I think it works well with the logo. I have decided to put the image in black and white as it will then go in any frame and I feel it has a higher impact and simplifies it. 

Breif 1: Own photos

After researching I noticed that the frames that grabbed my attention in the shops were the ones with actual photos in (even though there wasn't many) I think this is because you can then visualise your own photo in it. So here I am going to look at some of my own photography that I have done and see how it works with the brief. 

Here are some photos I did for a vintage photo shoot, I can visualise them in frames for Next or House of Faser, only because I think they look quite cheesy. 

A few more photos I have done for previous photo shoots that I think would work well in Urban Outfitters or Top shop, as I feel they will appeal to the younger audience. 

Nigel Tomm Photography 

Nigel Tomm is one of my favorite photographers I love the way he takes high fashion portraits and then scumples them up, my favorite thing about them is that they are unique. 

Here are a few of my own experiments with this technique  the concept behind this being that everything is so digital nowadays and people lose there photos so often and so many memories are lost, the photos represent a something being in the bin and forgotten about, reminding people that they should be bothered to print their photos and keep them. 

Sunday 24 November 2013

Study Task 3- Illustrator experiments Scale and Positon

Working within a square

Previously I had been trying to make one word stand out above the rest but here I have tried to make the whole sentence read in one without one word standing out too much and trying to keep them all equal. 

Here I have tried a few more experiments with type and different fonts to try and get 'the quick brown fox' to read clearest in each font. These I have looked at position, moving the words and see where they read easiest, as I have established that the biggest font usually has most impact on the reader. The block and the script cause the most problems when trying to make it read as one. Having the type set in a square makes it easier to do on illustrator as all the sides of a square is the same size, it makes positioning a lot easier. Out of the four experiments here I think the top one works best, as you just read it strait down, and I think the bottom one doesn't work as well because the block 'fox' stands out far too much and it reads 'fox quick the brown' instead of the 'quick brown fox'. I have learnt a lot form this simple exercise, that positioning and the scale of fonts can have a huge impact in the way that we read it, and it is not as easy as it looks. 

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Study Task 3: Illustrator Experiments

Here I have started to experiment on illustrator with Gothic, Roman, Script and Block fonts. The fronts I have used in these experiments are: Gothic- Helvetica, Roman- Adobe Devanagari, Script- Grand Hotel, Block- Impact. I have tried to choose fonts that represent these qualities best. In illustrator I have been experimenting with the scale and position of these fonts so you can read 'the quick brown fox' first in each font. These are just my first experiments in each font, but I need to experiment further. I am finding that the impact font is having a bold effect and is most readable on each one which is becoming a problem. 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Brief 5: Posters in Context

I have put my posters in context to try and gain an in site of what they would look like in the real world. I decided to put them on a bus stop as this is where people sit and wait and normally check social networking sites on the mobile devices. I thinking having them on a bus stop will be of high impact as people will be shocked by the statistics. I want the audience to evaluate themselves and make them think of how much time they actually waste on social media networks. 

Monday 11 November 2013

Brief 5: Final Facebook Posters Digital Print

Here are the final Facebook posters I have designed, they are at the demotions 2:1 as needed. I think they work well as a set and are of high impact. I got them digiality printed as the normal printer the blue didn't come out the way I liked as it was far too bright. I am happy with the way they look, simple yet effective. 

Brief 2: Typeface in Context

I have tried to put my type in a bit of context to see what it would look like as if it was typed out, I have used the word existence as this is what the typeface was suppose to be based on. I like my typeface a lot more when it is in context, it seems to make more sense and flow better. 

Study Task 2- Manipulating American Typewriter- The Font Family

I have been experimenting with the typeface American Typeface and seeing how far I can take the manipulations  ,I have experimented with making the bold really bold and fat, the light really light by just using a fine liner. On the second image I have experimented with just making one area of the letter bold and the rest light, this has worked well on some letters but not on others. Also I have experimented with making the serifs block rather than curvy. The more experiments I do the more I will understand the anatomy of type. 

Sunday 10 November 2013

Type Journal- Beer and Bricks

Character- Decorative
I noticed while at the pub, it is a mixture of type to make an image. The Brothers logo is very bold with a sans-serif type, they have placed the logo in the middle and worked round it and created it into a pear using more type, but more script type which is very sophisticated and decretive. This is a great piece of type as it works well as individual pieces and also works as an image that can be related to the beer. 

Identity- Traditional 
I spotted this while walking along the canal, it looks a lot better in person than in this photo. I like how simple and bold it is to catch peoples attention from far away, it seems very old and I think this was a traditional way of advertising their businesses by having the type put in with a different colour brick.