Thursday 31 October 2013

Brief 3 Alphabet Soup Typeface- Harrys final Typeface

After the crit I began to take the feedback onboard and started to design again. Here I printed the alphabet off and placed tracing paper over the top and started to design. I wanted to get more of a bold feel so I changed the font I wanted to work with and went with Futura instead, this was a lot easier to manipulate, as I felt the other one was too thin. 

Here are a couple more design sheets I have worked on, ideas that have came to me since the crit. I wanted to stick with the theme of structure, architecture and the grid that his favourite graphic designer uses. I started with very simple ideas by just making the actual letters three dimensional  but I found this very dull and it needed more context. So going back to the idea of structure and grids I started to sketch out some ideas, I used graph paper to explore the idea of graphs, but i felt it almost had too much structure and was quite dull and as if it had been done before. I went back into looking into grids and Brockmans style and the grid system. 

 " The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee.

It permits a number of possible uses and each
designer can look for a solution appropriate to his
personal style. But one must learn how to use the
grid; it is an art that requires practice. ”
Josef Müller-Brockmann

I set the letters and glyphs out 7x7 so they would fit on a piece of A2 paper. I decide to go for Futura in a italic form because he is quite a layer back person, and relaxes a lot listening to music. I have also chosen Futura because he stated when I questioned him that it is his favorite font.  


1,2,3- I chose to manipulate these as I felt that I just needed to display that I could manipulate more than just letters and can do numbers also
!- I chose the explanation mark for his love of music and festivals, and how music is usually quite loud like the explanation mark
#, &- I have chosen these as a representation that Harry is a social person, the # represents the commonly used # within social media and the & shows that he loves to be around people 

Here is my final design on tracing paper, this was my stongest design as it has the most meaning behind it and looked the best visually. I have put Futura in Italics because of his laid back personality, there is a small grid around each letter as his favourite designer is Josef Muller-Brockmann a man that focus' a lot on the theory of grids. Also I found out from when I first questioned him that his biggest fear was 'not living life to the full' I found this interesting and to represent this fear I sketched in the typeface instead of having it block black to show that as his fear. 

Here I have used the typeface I have created to design the name tag for Harry. I simply traced his name on a piece of paper and manipulated it in the same way, I have done it 4.5cmx9cm format, and stuck a safety pin on the back so it can be attached to his clothing.  

Overall I have enjoyed this project, if I was to do it again I would of produced alot more designs before the first crit as I feel I couldn't get much good feedback from the two designs I created, however because I had such few designs I got some great ideas. I found it difficult to start designing at first. Also before I produced my final alphabet on tracing paper I would of done a mini crit to get peoples opinions. If I was to design the whole typeface again I think I would of made the letters actually laid back instead of forward/italic as from the crit people felt it didn't represent being laid back. Link to crit:  Typeface crit 

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