Thursday 3 October 2013

How to... Designing and Crit

We are designing our booklet on indesign as this is the easiest program to create it on. I have never used this program before and I have learnt quite a bit already. As a group we needed to deside on fonts, so we headed on to 

We wanted a hand drawn theme so we needed a font for the titles, we all agreed to go for 'brain flower' showed in the image above. We all loved the tall thiness of it, and we thought it would fit the look we were going for. 

Along with the the main title font we needed one for the main body, at first we couldnt agree as a group, we needed something simple and ledgeable, that could be read in a small format, as the booklet is only going to be A6. 

We all did our own pages, I did the pest places to jog and cycle, the contents and the best gyms in Leeds. We all had our own tasks and split it equally, Roz did all the illustrations as we wanted to keep to the one style. We moced it all up and got the pages in order ready for the crit, all the colours weren't put in place, but we wanted to listen to our feedback first. 

Above are the notes i made from the crit, we got some useful feedback. They seemed to love the whole idea as a handy book and thought they would find it useful as a student. They complemented us on our in depth feedback and loved the clean finnish of the whole booklet. They said that we could possibly take it further by making some sort of forum for students to keep healthy because they have realised its not actully cheap to keep healthy while studying. As in design they wanted brighter colours on some of the pages as they felt were abit dull, also they wanted some sort of illustration on the recipe pages as they found them abit plain. Also with the recipe pages they wanted to see a content wheel of whats actually in the recipe, and maybe a traffic light system as on some of the packaging in supermarkets. 

The other groups problem was 'how to stay creative' I think we provided them with some useful critism of their postcards and posters. We found that they all looked really good but  they didnt really serve a purpose. We found that designing an app or something interactive would of solved the problem more than a pretty postcard, but their over all design was great. 

Changes from crit 

Here is a few pages from the final copy, we took the criticism on board and added more illustrations to the pages, chose better colours to go with the theme of each page, and calorie wheels on the recipie pages. I think the criticism was really usefull as the overall look of the booklet looks better now and is even more informative. 


While the changes were being made from the crit me and Jess also put together the presentation illustrating the key points of the overall booklet.

          Research categories
  • We split this into categories of eating healthy, budgeting and how to keep fit, as we felt that there were a lot of things we could go into
  • We looked into a variety of information that we think is relevant for students on a budget, for example the cuts of meats and which are cheapest
  •  In pairs we researched further into the categories we chose. After collecting initial research, we grouped back together to narrow down the information enabling us to include the most significant points within our booklet 

                Target audience
       This booklet has been created with fresher’s in mind and students new to Leeds
       Can be used as a helpful guide to these students that are new to living alone

       At fresher’s fair we collected a lot of leaflets, posters etc. But we found we all took the most interest into the booklets of information
       We decided to make it as a handy A6 booklet, keeping it informative but with an informal tone to try and communicate to the audience without boring them. We almost want to educate the students and give them useful information during the first year

       We went for a hand drawn theme but we wanted to keep it clean and fresh, we chose a font called brain flowers for the headings and calibri for the main body text to keep it simple and easy to read, the fonts were effective as we got positive feedback during the group crit

       We wanted to inform the audience without sounding to formal, or overloading the audience with too much information

Crit feedback
       After the crit we got some useful feedback, such as we needed to add more illustration to the recipe pages as they felt it was abit plain for students
       They found it good how we got loads of research for our content before we started to design the overall product. We made sure that we gathered enough research to successfully inform the audience of the points we are trying to put across
       If we wanted to develop this idea further, we would make something interactive such as a webpage, some sort of social network blog or an on going mini magazine

Overall I have really enjoyed working on this project, I have picked up some valuable skills on in design as I had never used that program before this project. I enjoyed working as part as a team as we picked at our different skills within each other. We managed our time really well, until it came to printing at the end where it was a major rush, but we have learnt from this and it had been a valuable lesson that we should leave more time for production. 

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