Friday 7 February 2014

Breif 1- Secret 7- Bubble Printing Experiment

I have looked into a lot of album artwork that uses patterns of paint for example Alt J and The XX, I wanted to experiment myself so I did some bubble printing, I remember doing it as a kid and making some pretty patterns so I experimented with it, after a few attempts I eventually got the look that I was going for. 

Here I started to add more colours to the bubble prints, over lapping them to mix the colour on paper. 

While washing the paint down the sink I noticed some pattens that again reminded me of album artwork that I have researched into, I love the marble effect it was creating. 

I scanned all my bubble prints in and put them in photoshop and played with the hue and saturation to look at the different colour combinations. 

Here is another experiment where I have overlaid the bubble pattern with a silhouette illustration that I did, I think it works well, for this one I added the colour burn to the bubble layer. 

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