Saturday 7 February 2015

Resonisive Collaborative- Group and brief

For the responsive collaborative brief I have decided to work with illustration students as I admire illustration and hopefully we could play at each others strengths when working together. I would also like to work with someone I haven't worked with before and I don't know as that is how it is going to be in industry. 

I went to the meeting with Fred to collaborate with someone off illustration and I got paired with Janin Pin and Rona Rylands both on illustration. When paired we went through every YCN and D and AD briefs together to see which one we could apply all of our skills too. We were tempted by the Pantone, WWF brief and Moo brief, but in the end we have decided to go with the YCN Taylors Coffee brief to design a new product that would appeal to a younger audience. We have decided on this as we all have skills to put forward to design this new product and we are all interested in product design. 

We started to write out or contract and looked at each others previous work to see if we have any similarities. I noticed we all have a big love for colour in our designs. Janin mentioned that she isn't a very organised person in terms of her work and I think I am pretty organised and Rona said she doesn't know much about type. Being the Graphic design student in the group I can hopefully help when it comes to type and layout. 

To start this brief we are going to do quite a bit of deep research into coffee. We have descried to research into where coffee comes from and do a primary survey to see what sort of coffee students drink and when they drink it. I think primary research is going to be essential with this brief. 

For the next meeting we are all going to go away and research into ground coffee and where coffee comes from, we are also going to go into supermarkets and look at Taylors coffee product placement. We have wrote out our contacts and Rona is going to type it up on one page we can all sign, confirm and agree with. The next meeting we are going to compile a survey on survey monkey we can send out to get some primary research, but for the time being we just feel like we need to learn a a bit more about coffee. 

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