Thursday 12 February 2015

Responsive Collaborative- Contract

This is our contact for this YCN Taylors Coffee Brief 

I am working with two illustrators: Janin Pineda and Rona Rylands

Why have you chosen to work with your creative partners?

I have chosen to work with my partners; Rona (llustrator) and  Aimee (graphic designer). Ronas has a very neat organized style in her illustrating whereas I am more experimental with my work. It will bring more structure to my drawings and idea generation and ill be suited more to product design. Aimee will also help with organization as the graphic designer and text, which we don’t have great experience in. She also works a lot in vibrant colours like me so we can include this in our designs.

To work with people with a more illustrative style as this is an area I’m interested in. I have also chosen to work with my partners as I didn’t previously know them and this is how it is going to be in industry. We will work with each other on a professional level, as I don’t know them personally already. We have chosen the Taylors coffee brief as we all have a mutual interest in product design. I feel as if we will have a good cross over of skill sets. 

Working with Janin and Aimee will give me a chance to cross over our illustrative/graphic skill sets and I will learn from aimee how to
give my work a more graphic aesthetic. Because we started this collaboration without knowing each other on a personal level,
we will work on this brief professionally.
As both Janin and I are illustrators, we think and work in a similar way and therefore will be able to pool our ideas and have more to work with. Working with Aimee will teach me how to give my designs more structure.

What are your specific areas of creative interest in this brief?

My specific area of creative interest in this brief will be drawing with collage and line and idea generation as well as research and constant documentation. I will modify images on Photoshop and help with backgrounds and textures and colour.


My interests lie within layout, type and colour. I am interested in designing an new product for the age range that we are in. I also have a keen interest in research and idea generation. Having a clear concept will be key.
I will be project manager, meaning I am in charge of organising when things need to be done by, and organising who is doing what.


My specific area of interest in this brief will be the initial drawings for the production of work, as this will then be passed onto Janin for editing and then Aimee for final resolutions, layout and text.

What specific creative skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?


I intend to use my drawing and exploration skills to help with the idea generation for the illustrated packaging. I think my editing skills are good on Photoshop and Illustrator which I will bring into this project.


My skills being a graphic designer lie within type, layout and colour. I have more of a graphic aesthetic compared to the illustrators I am working with. I have a keen interest in hand rendered type, and enjoy working with a lot of colour. I am good at exploring different techniques to narrow down to a final design for the product.


As an illustrator, my skill sets are largely drawing based, I work with fine liner pens and work to a simple design aesthetic.
I have used hand drawn type in my work before and found this a strength of mine. I will also use my i9dea generation and explorative skills to base the later work.

What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?


Non-design skills I can offer in this brief is research as I enjoy researching a brief and finding a concept, I like coffee so can also help input opinion and advice and critique. I will be documenting all along alongside my partners.

I have good organization skills and can manage my time well. I have a good work ethic and like to get things done.

I have good organisation skills.
I work well if I have plans and deadlines. I think positivity is a good quality of mine, as it keeps the workload enjoyable.
I work well in a group as I know what I do affects them too.

What will your specific roles be in the collaboration in relation to your brief?

My individual responsibility in this project will be to manage my own time well and keep on top of everything. I will have to stay in contact with my partners and communicate with them well. I will have to stay organized and document things as I go on my blo


We will need to keep in contact; we now have each other on social media for point of contact. It will be out own individual responsibility to turn up to sessions and not let the group down. We will also need to keep up with our own individual work and make sure we have equal work loads to make it fair.

My individual responsibilities in relation to the brief are keeping up to date, communicating well with the group, making sure we all have equal workloads and documenting as we go.

What will your joint responsibilities be?

We will all have the responsibility to research and generate ideas together. One of the main responsibilities will be to keep up to date with each other and where we are with the project. It will be a joint responsibility to chip in with money and budget the project well.
Our joint responsibilities will be to get the work we set ourselves done after group meetings. all going to split any costs. We will do any major decision making together, to avoid falling out and staying professional.

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