Sunday 21 December 2014

Responsive- PD Sessions Logo

I've been ask by a friend Jack Reed who has his own radio show in Manchester to create a logo for his show and that will also be included on his YouTube channel. Someone else designed him a logo in a couple of hours but he said he didn't like it, and personally I don't like it either it kind of reminds me of a rock band. I have decided to give myself a two day time frame to complete this logo in, as I have a lot to do and Jack needs it asap. 


Above is an image of what someone designed for him and he didn't like it, for me I feel as though it is too detailed for a logo and I don't think it looks like a radio shows logo.

This is an image of the sort of graffiti style he would like, I am thinking of doing something hand rendered, keeping it black and bold. 


Radio 1

This is a very simple logo and very recognisable, the BBC have a few radio stations so this design adapts to them all, the logo tends to change colour depending on positioning of it but i prefer it in black.


I like the typeface of this logo and I like how they have incorporated the heart as the a but it is still easily readable. 

Capital FM

I like the suggested shape of this logo and how the type is angled. 

Again I like the shape of this logo, its a very simple logo. The only thing I don't like about this logo is the gradient colour. 

Above are some radio station logos I found on Behance while researching, I like how they all include something that suggests radio some more discreet than others. 

Initial ideas

Here are some initial sketches for designs, they are very rough and kind of make more sense to me, I will transfer some of these ideas digitally. 

Jack asked for his design to maybe to be graffiti style but he is really unsure of how he would like to look, I tried a few variations of graffiti fonts above is about the only one I slightly liked, I will suggest this to him however I want to show him other designs also. 

Above is just a quick experiment with circles, I like the top one better I was just seeing if I could take it further with the second one. However the second one does remind me a bit of sound waves. 

I got inspired by a previous poster Jack had designed for him, I really like how the type fits in the microphone

Above is another idea that I had, because only the first letter goes bellow the baseline I thought it would be a good idea to include lines to conceal the logo. I added an old fashioned microphone the same as his previous poster. 

This is another experiment, one that kind of happened on accident but I casually really like it as a clean cut, simple logo. 

Above is an idea I had on paper that I transfered digitally 

I liked the idea of the diamond shape so I decided to try and develop and experiment with this further. Once I designed this I then want to see the colours the other way round but when I swapped the colours I realised that the letters came to the front, I like this design however I don't think it will work


I went back to drawing  to see if i could come up with a hand drawn more graffiti style, but it really wasn't working 

I then found this font that is bubbly a bit like graphiti, I like this font so I started to experiment with it and how it could work within a logo. 

I then sent all of my experiments off to Jack to see how he would respond

He said he loves them, and this one is his favourite. 
He has asked for the 'PD' in the circle to be on its own for it to be in the corner of his YouTube videos, I am happy I got some positive feedback. 


I have really enjoyed spending my time working on this project, I started the project by carrying out some research into existing well know radio stations. This was very useful as I realised how simple radio station logos are. 
Jack wanted something graffiti style but was very unsure of what he wanted, he didn't like what his other friend sent him as it looked a bit like a rock bands logo. 
I wanted to go for something a lot simpler and could really find any graffiti logos that I liked for inspiration. I started to experiment with some hand drawn type but that wasn't working out either. Sketching out some intial ideas was useful tough. 
I then transferred  some of my ideas digitally, some worked better than others. Once I had a variety of experiments together, some I liked more than others, I then e-mailed Jack to see what he thought of them. 
He loved them and chose the one I liked most. 
After a few more finishing touches I sent him the final logos. I am glad I set myself a time frame of 2 days for this project to be done is as Jack needed to get the logo asap, I am happy with the amount I have done in such a short period of time. 

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