Thursday 12 March 2015

Cheese Society Evaluation

Throughout designing for the cheese society I have learnt new techniques, experimented with more colour and had quite a bit of fun designing and being part of the cheese society.

The cheese society started as a bit of a joke in first year between our flat mates, and then in second year we made it happen. We set up the society at the start of second year and got a lot of initial interest through friends in Leeds College of Art. We knew the design and the look of the cheese society would be important, as this is the branding and the main representation of the society. The president told me she would like it fun and colorful. I wanted to develop my hand drawn type and thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

The roles we all have:

Hollie Webb- President
Aidan Whitley- Vice President
Aimee Parker- Graphic Designer
Anne Wyman- Photographer
Daisy Cape- Secretary
Rees Newnes- Treasurer 

As the Graphic Designer I am responsible for all of the artwork, the logo, Facebook headers, posters and advertising. The first thing I was asked to design for the society was the logo so the Facebook page could be set up and we could start promoting ready for the fresher’s. I new straight away that the logo would include yellow as the obvious colour but I also needed it to work in all black and possibly in other colour platforms. The logo turned out a lot better than I thought and I had a lot of positive feedback from people seeing it around. This was a good start to the cheese society designs. Then it was placed as the Facebook profile picture, twitter profile, and we even printed t-shirts ready for the fresher’s fair.

The fresher’s fair was promoted all over social media, inviting new people to the college that didn’t previously know each other to meet new people through their love of cheese. For the fresher’s fair I made leaflets, posters and tearable posters where people can tear a cheese pun off the end. The event was a huge success and we got over 100 people to sign up for our e-mailing list to get e-mailed about all of our upcoming cheesy events, including the dairy disco and sophisticatedly smashed. At this event I got a lot of complements about the design and a lot of people wanted a t-shirt.

The first event was held at Fab Café called ‘Eat and Greet’. This being the first cheese event we wanted it to be an event where people come and get to know each other and share cheese. For the design I researched a lot into hand drawn typography two people I looked into particularly was Steph Baxter and Kate Moross both with an illustrative style that I was going for with the cheese society. I used a colour palate for this design; this is something I didn’t look into for the designs for the Freshers fair. I was happy with this colour palate and used it all over the poster design and Facebook header for advertisement. This event went well we got over 30 people to turn up and filled our private hire spot in Fab Café, Fab Café was the perfect location as everyone knows where it is.

The second event was he ‘Ot-Brie Run’ an otley run dressed as cheese, another fun event for the cheese lovers. When looking back at my previous designs I realized how much better I could of made them and how much they have changed. I didn’t like the colour palate of the previous posters and I wanted to change it again. I went to the president and asked her advice and she said that she would like it changed too. I changed the colour palate to something more colorful and bright. This design was the fastest to do as at this point I had learnt a lot more about illustrator and how to manipulate my hand drawn type, for this design I didn’t use Photoshop at all.

I feel like I have definitely developed thought designing for the cheese society, now looking back at the first designs I know where I went wrong and how I can improve my designs. I did a lot of hand drawn type for this brief as myself and the president of the society wanted the cheese society designs to represent fun as the society is only a bit of fun for people to get to know each other through their love for cheese. Designing for the cheese society has been a great learning curve, and has helped me develop my hand drawn type further. As the society continues hopefully my designs will start to develop even further.

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