Saturday 21 March 2015

YCN Interflora Grandparents Day- Evaluation

OUGD503 Responsive YCN Interflora Evaluation

I chose this brief after reading it in much detail. The aim of the brief is to boost awareness of grandparent’s day to a younger audience, when read in further detail it goes on about when younger students don’t see there grandparents as much as they would like due to other commitments. I have previously never heard about the brand Interflora because I have never ordered flowers, but I do think they have a valid reason for their campaign. They want young people to sent their grandparents flowers to let them know that y are thinking of them on grandparent’s day.

The first thing I did was research into Interflora as a brand and their competition. The first obvious thing I did was visit their website. The immediate reactions of the website was dull and boring, it didn’t excite me or make me want to purchase any flowers. The website is defiantly aimed at middle-aged women. I noticed that many of the links were on the website multiple times and that there is a white banner down the side of the website because the sizing isn’t correct. Looking at the competition I noticed that their websites are much more clear crisp and less over crowded.

To get some ideas flowing I then did some primary research into grandparent’s cards to see what tone of voice they usually go for. I visited Marks and Spencer’s and paper chase for this, and realized that most of the cards go for a humors tone of voice for grandparents. Following on from this I then decided to make some lists of what grandparents like and sketched out a few ideas.

My two main ideas for this campaign is the a seaside/ day out campaign as this is one of the main things I used to enjoy with my grandparents and the other one being some chattering teeth to add a humorous tone to the campaign.

I went for the chattering teeth idea and managed to find a pair of chattering teeth, I photographed them, printed and illustrated the teeth. This came out a lot better than I originally expected. The hardest part of the illustration was getting the eyes right, getting them to look in the right direction and not to be scary. I wanted to add some colour to the campaign as I am not a massive fan of the company’s colours being black and gold, I understand that they want a high quality/ high end look however I don’t feel this colour palate would fit in well for the younger customer.

Once I designed the chattering teeth that was the main icon for the campaign, I used it across a variety of outcomes from print to web and mocked them all up to show the range it could work across. I am happy with the way that the teeth have turned out and I think it works well on all platforms; my partially favorite outcome it works on is the flower paper.

I booked a photography studio to take my final photos of the product range for YCN and for the photos to look more professional on my design boards to send to them. The biggest problem I had at the shoot was actually wrapping the flowers and the lighting, the images didn’t  turn out as well as I would of liked, but in the future now I realize that I might need to ask a friend to help me while shooting products. One thing I do want to work on is my tone of voice when writing on design boards, I sometimes find that the most difficult part of the project, this will be something I need to develop and improve in the future.

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