Tuesday 17 December 2013

Study Task 4- Type Hierarchies- Magazines


The stylist is a free magazine, by the same people as the metro, they make all their money from the advertisements, adverts are the main thing in the overall magazine. 

This is a page spread from one of the front pages of the magazine, I noticed that it is very structured into a grid. It reminds me of an app, you eye automatically goes to the product that you like and then it has the information below, a very simple format. 

Above is the page spread I have chosen, this caught my attention because the advert matches what the article is about, this has been done on purpose. 

Above I have made a diagram of what my eye saw first and how it moved around the page. The first thing that I noticed immediately before anything else was the offer that boots had on. Even though it was in the most plain font and just in blue and white, it was the plainness that stood out the most. After I had then read that my eye went strait to the top of the page to the L'Oreal advert, which was then offering me an exclusive gift. 

Once I had read about the offered and promotions on this make up, my eye then got drawn to the actual article titled 'beauty bulletin'. Image is the main component, your eye chooses a product that it likes the look of and then reads the little bit of information about it, what it does and where you can purchase it from. 
The layout of the article is reflected by the look of the advert, this is no accident. 
Before you turn the page you then get drawn back to the original advert that you read before you even thought you needed those products in your life.   

This is the type in the order I saw it on the page. The less decretive Boots font caught my attention first. And then the type on the advert, the title of the article and then the actual information.


This is a primarily a gossip magazine, full of weightloss and fashion tips, it is a very informal magazine.

I have chosen the page above because of its complex layout and your eye doesn't quite know where to look however underneath it all it is quite structured. There is a good balance between text and image, however I feel that there is too much body text and people wouldn't be bothered to read it all. 

This is the way that my eye went round this page, I feel as it is too busy and your eye can not focus properly. 

This is the type that jumped out at me most and the ones I would read first. They have good use of colour. If I were to change this I would of made everything less busy as I feel as most of this page spread is unnessicary and cluttered. I like the use of the red balck and white, however they have used too many fonts and they are not bold enough, I notice the colour before the type. 


 Company is a high street fashion magazine which is aimed at the younger audience. The whole magazine has more image than type as they want to sell the products that they are advertising. 

This is a double page spread from the magazine. I chose this page because I think that the advert was placed there on purpose as the colours go well together. Everything is black and white but the actual washing product, this making it stand out more. 

There isn't much text on this page, but there is a variety of fonts that catch our attention, but the first thing I looked at was the imagery. 

The black and white scarf on the right in the advert reflects the shoes well on the opposite page, this isn't any accident. 

Here are the Type Hierarchies, the top one is in order of how i saw them on the page and what caught my attention most and the second one is on the white page what caught my attention most from them just standing alone. This is interesting from getting the type out of the magazine and seeing what strikes me most.  

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