Wednesday 7 January 2015

Brief 4- Signwriting Zine

As the designs that I have done so far for this 'Augmented Design' brief have not involved any imagery of sign writing I want to create a small zine of sign writing in everyday places to inspire people. Within this zine it will include a QR code to the website or maybe the social media pages, I want to make this zine a digital and printed piece. The front cover is only going to be type inside is only going to be photographs. 

Zine Research

Henry Hoover Zine 

This is one of my friends small zines about henry hoover, its a very basic zine but thats what I like about it, it has a handmade feel to it. The only colour within it is the red paper used for the front cover, the rest of the zine is in black and white. 

I really like the hologrpahic paper on the front cover of this zine, I think this would look good with some simple type added to it. 

The colours of this zine makes it attractive and eye catching this would make me want to flick through the inside.

The pastel colours complement each other well, they stand out against the greyscale

I will need to think of how I would like the photo's to be laid out inside the zine, there are many formats I could choose from.

I will also have to consider what sort of binding to use, saddle stitch would be a good option but I do need to think about commercial print which I think a simple staple would be better. I don't think the way this is made needs to be too over the top as this small zine would be made in mass and it is only something to inspire people and hopefully get them to check out the website or social media pages. 


I worked out how big I want my zine to be on paper first so I could visualise it better, because most of the images on my website are a square I am going to have every image in my zine a square to fit in.  

The front page of my zine will be the same as the front page as my website as then people can relate the two. 

Above is the front page of the zine, this will be printed on tracing paper and the image shown below will be behind it, this is the same image off the from of my website. 

I have now laid out the 27 page zine on separate pages. the images are 10x10 with a border around them. The black and white images will be printed on coloured paper, the same colours used within my website. Inside the zine there are various artists/sign painters that are inspirational, I have included their website and if they haven't got a website I have put an e-mail address for you to get in touch with them. Some of the artists within this zine will be at the sign writers festival doing live exhibitions. Also within the zine are images from my summer project and more primary images from just being out and about of sign writing like I like and admire, underneath these images are where the photos where taken. Also in the back of the zine there will be a link/QR code for people to submit their own work. 

Above is a quick one page test print I did on my printer, I am really glad I did this test print as now I have realised that the images and the whole thing is far too big. I am planning on printing each image on a separate page because I want one image per page so people take more time to look at each image separately. I am going to resize the document so more than one page can fit onto one A4 page because if I was commercially printing this I would be wasting a lot of paper.  

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