Thursday 8 January 2015

Studio Brief 4- Evaluation- Augmented Design

This has been an interesting brief and I have enjoyed finding out all augmented and interactive elements to design. I think with the designs that I have produced they would advertise my website and make people more aware of sign writing. 

I decided to put on an event as a way to advertise my website and run along side it. The event will be a sign writing festival, held in Hyde Park Leeds from the 26th-28th June. I have decided to have it in Hyde Park as larger pieces of sign writing could be on display on the side of verchiles ect. Within the festival there would be many live sign painters, live music and creative activities. 

To promote the festival and the website I came up with a variety of augmented and interactive ideas. 

Augmented ideas
-side of bus
-bus shelter
-newspaper/magazine advert
-mail/direct mail
-tickets for the festival

Interactive ideas
-something to submit to the festival
-interactive poster
-QR codes
-pop up book
-scratch off design

I decided to go for a thaumatrope, poster, zine and postcard for my designs. I think they all complement each other well along with my website. 

The first design I did was the Thaumatrope, this proved a lot more difficult than I thought. It took me various attempts to get the actual design right. I quickly realised that you cant fit much type on it for it to spin and make sense. I then tried to design it so when you span it the letters came together to spell out the website, this was very difficult to design and didn't work out well. In the end I managed to design it correctly. I printed it on a coloured stock and only used black ink because that would make it cheap to print commercailly. You can fit three thaumatropes on one sheet of A4 coloured paper which makes it good to commercially print. I really enjoyed making the thamoropes, they took a while to get right but I think the design is something different and interactive. 

The second design I did was the postcards, this was originally going to be some form of submission slip for people to come along and attend the festival knowing that their work will be displayed among other designers up and down the UK. I changed it into a postcard because I just thought it makes more sense as then I could send them out to designers and design studios but I could also use them as leaflets to promote the website and festival. I printed the finals on white card and they came out a lot better than I thought. If I was to improve these I would of spent more time on the design and maybe added some sort of pattern, I did try and add some pattern but it was just taking up so much time I just designed them with type. 

The next design I did was a zine. As the rest of the designs that I did so far were purely type based and I am advertising a sign writing festival I realised that I haven't used one image of sign writing, so I decided to make a photo zine. Within the zine I spilit it up into two sections, artists that are going to the festival and existing sign writing images that I took from my summer brief. I also want people to submit to the website sign writing that inspires them so I thought I would add some primary photos of my own. Also within the zine at the back are two QR codes, one for the user to upload images straight of their phone and one of a sign writing video on vimeo. by the time I put all this information into one zine it was pretty thick, so I had to start to think about binding it. What I initially wanted to do was to staple it, but I tried and there were too many sheets of paper for the stapler to go through. I thought of perfect bounding it but if I was to commercially print this perfect bounding would make it pretty expensive to print as a zine. In the end I decided to go for a metal fastener. This worked perfectly and I have never seen them until Danny showed me them, I am happy with how neatly it has put my zine together. 

The last thing I designed quite quickly was the wordsearch poster. This is my least favorite design out of them all, but I do think the design is interesting and unique and would get people to stop and read it. This would be cheap to print as it could just be printed on a normal laser printer for schools, colleges and universities to advertise to young creatives. If printed for a bus stop or train station it would cost a lot more purely because of size. 

Overall I have really enjoyed this brief, at the start I did find it difficult thinking of ideas but once I got into it it got better. If I had more time I think I would of done something with a different print tecnique that I haven't used before. I think they are all commercially printable and use very basic materials. If I was to improve on this brief I definatly would of spend more time on the interactive poster and spent more time on the thamotrope developing my design further maybe with moving vectors or type.  

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