module I have learnt things for both print and web. I previously knew nothing
about web so this module has been interesting, I have also learnt a lot about
commercial printing, which has been beneficial.
first brief made me think outside of the box in terms of
folding techniques. I experimented a lot
with different folding techniques for this brief and how
design could be printed onto it. When I started to look at my design process
initially I realised just how much there is too it. I tried designing my
leaflet in a style that I had never folded before. The final fold I went for
was actually a napkin fold, but I think it works well as it works as a desktop
leaflet now. It took a long time to get the printing right on this leaflet as
it kept printing the wrong way ect. I added the watercolour onto the paper
because printing a pattern and lining the text up was proving very difficult. I
am happy with the final product I think it represents my design process well, I
am happy with the colours, if there was one thing I could change on the leaflet
it would be for the ink not to crack when folded but sometimes that cant be
the second brief we got to choose a kick-starter project and design a logo for
the project. I initially wanted to design a logo for a food company, I chose a
lemonade company in Chicago. A guy that had just left uni and wants to sell
cheap, fresh, homemade lemonade on a cart at Chicago beach. I made the brand
considerations, and realised he would need a fun and fresh logo. I experimented
with various ideas mostly hand drawn. In the end I decided to go for a hand
drawn logo. I decided to go for yellow, grey and white colour scheme, the grey
keeping it more modern. The logo worked well in context. I really enjoyed doing
the hand rendered type for this brief, I made a lot of mistakes but I have definitely
learnt from them. If I had more time I think I would of actually contacted the
guy and asked him what he thought.
three was the website brief. I am disappointed that I only learnt a tiny bit of
coding as that was one thing I was looking forward to in second year, however
from what I did learn from the first session proved just how difficult it can
be. I have really enjoyed learning about the limitations of web, what you can
and can’t do, the colour and font limitations. I have realised just how
difficult designing for web can be and I defiantly appreciate it more now. I
enjoyed designing scamps and looking more into grid systems, and the different
formats of websites.
four was an extension of Brief 3, designing something to advertise the website.
Researching into augmented and interactive design has been useful. I defiantly
think I will think about more interactive design in the future when designing.
The workshops have been really useful; learning simple things like how to set
up a document so it is ready to print perfectly has been really helpful. I will
approach projects differently in the future now, thinking before I design it
digitally to how I am going to print it and getting all the document settings
right so I don’t panic at the last minute when printing. For this brief I
decided to design four things, a thaumotrope, zine, poster and postcard. I am
most happy with the way the zine turned out, I think that the zine and the
thaumotrope are the ones I made the most
mistakes on but also the ones I learnt the most from. I designed these with
commercial print in mind, the one that would be the cheapest to print would be
the thomotrope the most expensive would definitely be the zine. I thought a lot
about the factors and considerations for commercial print.
this module has been an eye opener to more of the digital and printed world. I
have enjoyed the brief three and four most, If I had more time on this module I
would of liked to have gone back and re visited my website and maybe of made
some gifs of how I would like it to flow and looked into a more responsive
mobile interface and how I would of liked that to have looked.
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