Wednesday 6 May 2015

OUGD505- Cigarette packet warnings, Typeface and Development

For the labels I am going to create to go inside of the fur coat I have been struggling to choose a typeface to go with. Originally I was thinking of going with some thing really bold and shouty but after more thought I think I want quite a neutral typeface as I think the facts are distressing enough and make you think. 

I have been looking at the typefaces that are on cigarette packets to warn people of the effects of smoking, this is a similar thing of what I would like to achieve inside of fur coats a warning of where the fur has come from. 

I have been through various typefaces for these labels I need something quite simple, I have decided to go for Mission Gothic and use Mission Gothic Black for the facts bold yet simple.

When I screen print onto fabric I am going to use  a deep red to represent blood for the facts and add in the Peta logo in black 

I didn't really like the large zig zag that I used so I tried out various other boarders I wanted something that looks like it has been stitched, after asking a couple of people what I should go for I have decided to go for the cross stitch boarder the top right one.

After looking at coat labels for more inspiration I have realised that I could add an extra tab to the label saying '100% rabbit fur' and other materials within the fur coat, I think this will be another subtle reminder to the audience about the fur. 

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