Friday 1 May 2015

OUGD505- Fur- Brand Guidelines


Each year, more than 40 million animals are killed for their fur: mink, fox, bobcat,beavers,raccoon, lynx, chinchilla, coyote, fisher, marten, muskrat, opossum, otter, skunk, weasel, the list goes on. Each piece of fur trim represents an animal who has suffered and died; a full coat represents many animals. 

Produce a campaign against fur farming, increase your awareness of fur farming, fur within fashion and the history through thorough research. Research into animal campaigns what works and what doesn’t. 


To make people more aware of what is happening to these animals, for them to realise that it is wrong and should never buy real fur for decoration because of the harm and pain animals have been put through. 

Taret Audience

The general public 18-50 year olds, more specifically people who are interested in fashion and have/ desire to buy a fur coat. I want to make the audience stop and think and open their eyes to what is going on. 


Week 1: Finalise any research and sketch out ideas for the campaign
Week 2: Find fur ready to photograph
Week 3: Experiment on how I can get the type on the fur, get everything ready to screen print
Week4: Book a photography studio to photograph the development and final outcome, screen print
Week 5: Book a print slot to get all campaign material printed ready for hand in

Problem I intend to resolve

Not enough people know about fur farming and many people tend to think it is something that has happened in the past/ been banded. I would like to inform and educate the audience about fur farming and how thousands of animals get killed everyday for their luxuruious coats. I would like to lead my target audience to the peta website to make them see for themselves how much animal abuse is happening and what is going on and maybe donate. 


There isn’t going to be much colour use in my campaign as most of it is going to be photography. I will be using mainly black and white and a deep red/ burgundy to reflect blood. 


I have decided to use Mission Gothic type as it has quite a large family that I can use across the campaign. It’s quite a neutral font which is what I need for the campaign as the facts are going to be shocking enough.

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