Tuesday 11 November 2014

Brief 3- Digital Experiments and Crit

I looked into having a full bleed image as the first page, I like this however the only problem with it is that there is no suggestion of sign writing when people initially open the page.

I started to experiment with the buttons more adding some web safe colours, I still feel as if something is missing and it looks a bit bland, but if it is a single page website then people will immediately click on the colour buttons or scroll. 

I decided to centralise the title and add 'keeping sign writing alive' underneath as this is my main aim of the website 

I added the social media icons in the corner as I would hopefully have some sort of social media so people could also incorporate their inspiration

As I have found better vintage images of sign writing and cant really find much about times/ dates in history about sign writing I have decided against my plan of doing a timeline. 

I used the grid I designed and added in the images and cropped them to square format, they are nice large images so I was also thinking that I might have it so when you hover over the image that it gets larger because at the moment they are only cropped to fit the format. 

I started to design my website as it scrolled down, the section after history will be interviews. The shadow behind each heading will correspond with the colour on the button on the top of the page. 

As you scroll down the website will include interviews and there will be a link next to each interview for you to read the full interview. After the interviews you will then get a selection of videos to do with sign writing, old and new, these will be taken off vimeo and a couple off youtube. 

The videos page will be very minimal just a constant scroll of videos, on the right will be a short description of the video and what it consists of. 

For the crit I printed out my digital experiments and layed them out on the table to show the function of the website being a single page with an infinite scroll. 

I got some useful feedback from the crit, some of the points made: 

-the colours are good and show its for a young creative audience
-maybe think about having some hand rendered type for the headings
-the layout of the interviews could be more gridded and better
-maybe have a gif/roll over image as the homepage
-maybe keep a fixed header throughout each page as the colours would link well

The feedback has been really useful today, I completely agree that the interviews could be gridded better, I think the reason I shyed away from this is that I am worried about how I am going to code it. I don't think I am going to use hand rendered type for the headings as the images are going to be very colourful and include a lot of hand rendered type so I wanted to contrast the sign wiring with helvetica. I really like the idea of the image changing on the homepage this will make it initially interactive and interesting. 

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