Sunday 2 November 2014

Responsive- Cheese Society Poster and Leaflet

The cheese society needs posters and leaflets to hand out at the freshers fair, I want to keep with the same hand drawn theme, so I need to start drawing some ideas and getting some inspiration. 

My main inspiration for the poster and leaflet has been from Steph Baxter 

I love her hand drawn type and her use of colour

This is the poster although it is very simple this is all we needed, I wanted to keep it very minimal to make the logo stand out as much as possible. 

Here are just some starts of ideas for the leaflet, on the leaflet we want to mention the events, I want to make this as eye catching and fun as possible, above is the first sketch I did.

I want to involve some more colour in the leaflet other than orange and yellow. 

I was inspired for the 'wensleydale wednesdays' by some of Kate Moross' type but now I have scanned it in i really don't like it. however I am happy with the 'up coming events' bit. 

After many more times scanning in designs and re doing them, changing colours ect I finally came up with this design. I showed it to hollie and she is really happy with the way it looks. This will be the leaflets however we are also going to print some larger ones as posters. 

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