Sunday 12 October 2014

Breif 2- Logo in Context

Now I have created my logo I wanted to show it in context

Here is a glass of lemonade with the simple lemon segment logo on it, I think it works well like this becuase it is simple and hopefully recognisable as beach time lemonades. 

I then started to sketch out a poster to see how the lemon segments as part of the logo would work within it, I wanted to keep with the same theme so I drew some more hand rendered type. 

I couldn't decide whether to go with grey or white type, after some feedback I have decided to go with white as it looks more fresh and stands out a lot more. This poster took a lot longer than I thought. I am happy with the turn out however I am worried about how people may read the poster as some of the words don't seem to be in order, if I had time to do this agian I would of definitely considered this more. 

This is another poster/leaflet I have created to put the logo into context again. I hand drew some more type, I am partically happy with how the word 'juiciness' has turned out on this poster. I think the logo works well on this, I haven't used too many colours as I want the lemon to stand out most. 

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