Tuesday 14 October 2014

Brief 2- Evaluation

We have been given a week brief to design a logo for a project off kick-starter. At first I did a lot of research into different projects, I knew I wanted to do a food related project but I wasn't sure what. After a lot of researching and pondering on kick-starter I found some projects I was interested in, this included a budget cupcake company, a farther of two that had moved from New York wanting to set up a bagel company, a sushi company and a student graduating from uni in Chigargo wanting to set up a lemonade cart for the beach. In the end after some discussion I decided to go for the lemonade company. 

I chose this company because they have got no branding at all and I wanted to start from scratch, I also chose it because I thought it would be a fun thing to do and there a quite a lot of possibilities for a lemonade logo. There aren't many requirements for this project, but I think it needs to be playful as a brand, enforce that its affordable and on a beach. I then started research into Chicargo as a place, I found out somethings like it is nicknamed the wind city, also from looking at images of google there is a lot of sky scrapers so I thought I could put this in my design maybe. I visited America in the summer, venice beach has a lot of hand drawn type and artwork and is also very bright and colourful, I think my experience there in the summer may influence my design even though its another state. After research into the place I was designing for I then researched into designs already around from brands on the high street such a 7up and sprite to existing smaller lemonade brands. Researching was really useful and influenced some of my design decisions as I was originally going to do my designs blue and yellow but from researching I realised how over used this is. 

I then started to sketch out my initial design ideas, I got a lot of ideas for this, I noticed from my research that some of the smaller lemonade brands didn't actually use an image of a lemon in there logo brand and it was just type however the bigger brands used a lot of lemon imagery. I took a few sketches to the crit and got some useful feedback, people chose the ones they preferred and told me why, from the crit I also got the idea to use grey and yellow in my design as it will look more modern. 

After the crit I then narrowed down my logo choices and drew them out again and experimented with them on illustrator and photoshop, this process took the longest, as I had to keep drawing and scanning. I couldn't find a font that I liked so I hand drew a lot of type which took up a lot of time in the project. After I had decided on the logo and was happy I designed two posters to put them into context, a 'when life gives you lemons make lemonade' and a social networking poster/ promotional leaflet, personally I think the logo looks good put on this sort of promotional material, it looks best surrounded by hand rendered type. I wanted lemon segment to stand out on it's own and for people to recognise it as beach time lemonades so I also experimented with the lemon segment on the side of a glass as well, this worked partially well. 

Overall I have really enjoyed this project and I'm surprised with the amount of work I have got done in a week. It has been good designing for a real company and I think I have designed it well for the target audience. If I was to do this project again I would of liked to have spent less time doing the hand rendered type and to have presented some digital moc ups for the crit, maybe then I would of had a better understanding of where to have gone with the logo then. To improve from this breif I think I need to practice on my hand rendered digital type to do it faster and neater. 

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