Tuesday 28 October 2014

Brief 3- ideas, scamps and site map

Before I start designing on screen I need to to some sketches of my ideas and make a scamp that I want to work from and transfer on to screen. Above are some thumbnail layouts I sketched out, while doing these I was thinking about grids. 

This scamp has quite a simple consept, it is a bit like a blog. In the top right you have the search bar to serach for something on the blog, at the bottom there are social networking icons for links to social networks. Top left would be where the logo would go, below that links to other pages on the website like the history that will include a timeline of sign writing. 

This design would include a full bleed image of some sign writing in the background with the logo at the top in white for it to stand out. At the top there would be the links to other pages these links would stay at the top of the page on each page. At the bottom there would also be a search bar that enables you to search for anything on the website. With this website also as you click the link the page just jumps/moves down, this would be a single page format with links that take you down the page. 

This one would be in a grid of circles or just three icons in the middle of the home page. The icons would be very simple, the first one means inspiration, the second is history and the last one near you so people can find a sign writer near them. I like the idea of having icons as links rather than words I think it will make the website more interactive. 

This one has quite a simple layout, the middle bit would change weekly, it would be an image of some hand drawn type that would change depending on the article. Below that there would be two more images of type that are also clickable with links to articles. 

I like the idea of this one but it might look too much as it will involve a lot of imagery. The header would be at the bottom and this would stay there through every page. 

Here are my ideas for the contact page, the top left one will have photos of sign writers when you click on them it brings up their profile some of heir work ect. The icons will be ordered in the sign writers closest to your post code. The top left would be a page with google maps on it where the ones closest to you would be highlighted, when you hover over the points a photo of their most recent work would pop up. The bottom sketch would be a full bleed google maps, you hover over the places and the signwriters profile would pop up. 

Some sketches for the inspiration and 'your inspiration' page, both pages would be a simple format page and include quite a bit of imagery with photographs. 

The history page will have a simple concept of a timeline with facts coming off it, I'm unsure whether  to have the timeline go horizontally or vertically, I think i will decide this based on how I have designed my other pages to work. 

This is a sketch of the site map, the main page is the home page, then the links off that page would be the history, near you, inspo and your inspo pages, off some of those pages would also be smaller pages with less information on. I would like the whole overall website not to be too complex, simple and user friendly. 

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