Sunday 19 October 2014

Brief 3- Ideas for web

My summer research was about hand drawn type, for my primary research I collected together an interview and a lot of photos from traveling of hand drawn type. There are a variety of websites I could now create with my research.

Idea 1- Type Blog 

This could be a website almost like pintrest or tumblr where people can enter their hand drawn type and show off their work and maybe people would like or appreciate the work. The website could include interviews from existing typographers and articles on typography. 

  • what is the point in the website? 
to get peoples hand drawn type out there and noticed 
  • who is the target audience?
graphic designers, illustrators
  • what does the audience need?
inspiration and ideas. also it will get typographers noticed and maybe get them more work 

this is a particularly interesting tumblr about hand drawn type, the tumblr has lots of inspiration and links to videos of hand drawn type.

Here is a pintrest full of hand drawn type, there are many varieties of type on there and plenty of hand drawn typographers to research 

Idea 2- Chalkboard art

This would be a website dedicated to chalkboard art, people could send in there chalkboard art and have it blogged about, there could also be a separate page for chalkborads people find interesting out and about. There could be a lot of content to go on this website and I think it could be pretty interesting. 

  • what is the point in the website? 
to get people to appreciate and recognise chalkboard art more
  • who is the target audience?
people who need inspiration for chalkboards, graphic designers, people who like type
  • what does the audience need?
inspiration, research and ideas 

Idea 3- Traditional sign writing 

A website dedicated to traditional sign writers to get their work on the internet, because what I found from my summer project and the man that I interviewed, Steve Evans, is that they don't have much of a web presents, to get business it tends to be word of mouth. However, i think a website for traditional sign writers will get their work recognised more.

  • what is the point in the website? 
a website for traditional sign writers to get their work more noticed
  • who is the target audience?
people who would like some traditional sign writing done and sign writers to get inspiration 
  • what does the audience need?
a place to find sign writers in their local area

All of these ideas are very similar, at the moment i'm just unsure whether to have the website as a broad topic such as hand drawn type or to narrow it down to something like chalkboard art. 

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