Thursday 2 October 2014

Brief 1- Developing ideas

Before I can start to design I need to re define my own personal design process first, I want to try and keep it as simple and as straight forward as possible. Here is a brief outline of my own personal design process.

1. Print and highlight brief
I much prefer having a printed physical copy of the brief so I can add notes and more importantly highlight key words that I need to remember throughout the project.

2. Research and mind map ideas, make to-do list, book printing slot 
I normally research online and using the library, but primary research is just as important, taking interviews, photos ect. I then mind map my ideas to collect my thoughts. I will then start to think about printing slots to be booked, and make several to-do lists though out the project to try and organise my time effectively.

3. Sketch, moc ideas up and experiment 
In this part of the design process I try and have an open mind and not go for the first idea that pops in my head because its not always the best idea. I try and experiment with different materials and techniques, this is usually where the problems happen that I learn from.

4. Get feedback (crit)
Getting feedback is a very important part of the design process, its good to have someone else's opinion on your design so far before you finalise it

5. Choose main idea and design
After getting feedback and whether I agree/dis agree I will then choose a main idea and finalise the design 

6. Feedback (crit)
Getting feedback on my final design is very useful it enables me to reflect on what has gone wrong/right, what I would change if I was to do it again, also other peoples opinions matter a lot. 

7. Evaluate
I evaluate throughout the whole of my design process using my blog and on design sheets, but at the end I write a summarative evaluation on the project as a whole, here i document what I have learnt, the suitability to the audience and various other things. 

Here are a few of my ideas of how I can get all of that information on one leaflet

Here I have experimented with a diamond fold the instructions I found from a napkin folding website. I think this will work particularly well for my leaflet as it can be stood up and displayed aswell. 

I did this moc up design to see where I need to put the design, I think it will be difficult to design but I am going to try it out and experiment with it. 

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