Wednesday 1 October 2014

Study Task 2- Folding Styles

Today we experimented folding paper in different ways for inspiration for our leaflet design.

This was the first fold I did a very simple fold for a simple leaflet, but with the right design I think it could look interesting. 

Here is another very simple fold I did, I think this one would be good for the leaflet as on each fold out I could have each step of my design process. 

This one was meant to be a star but went really wrong, I just made it up and experimented more with the folding. 

This one I followed some online instuctions from a video, I used half a sheet of A4 with very basic folds but it all folds/twists together to for a flower shape. 

This is my favourite one I did, I got the instructions for this off a napkin folding website and tried it with paper and it worked a lot better than I thought, I think this would be a good folded design for my design process booklet as each bit folds down it can be another stage to my process. 

We chose this design off our table for it to be judged out of the whole class, I like it because it looks so complex yet it probably quite simple, it is all held together by blu tac and each section is a circle. I don't think this would work well for this leaflet brief but I think its good practice as it may come in handy in the future. 

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