Tuesday 14 October 2014

Brief 3- Intro to Web

This brief is a four week brief with workshops to help us make and design a website. I don't know anything about web design so I am pretty excited to explore something new. The website will be on the summer brief so to start I think I am going to develop my summer brief and think: 

  • what is the point in the website? 
  • who is the target audience?
  • what does the audience need? 

the first webpage was proposed in 1990 and published online on 6th august 1991 at CERN based in Geneva, Switzerland, although actually in a room over the border in France by Brithch computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee and Belgian computer scientist Robert Cailliau. 

The Aim:

'to link and access information of various kinds as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will'

Above is an image of the first web page

Web Server:

The worlds first web server;a NeXT computer designed and built by Steve Jobs.

Key Terms: 

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language

the standard language used in the creation of webpages

HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 

the basis for the transfer of data across the World Wide Web

URL: Uniform Resource Locator

also known as a web address and used to reference webpages 

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet 

A stylesheet mar up language used for formatting 

Some trends that have formed:

The decline of Skeuomorphism 
the things on your desktop that look like real life things, for example the trash can

The rise of flat design
this is where the artwork has no gradient to them, for example the new iPhone update is now just all flat images

Single page web design
this is where you get to the next page by simply scrolling down and there aren't any links, the use of single page web design lessons your chance of being seen online as there aren't many links 

Responsive web design 

Type based websites
adapts to work with all devices phones ect.

Web Restrictions 
  • size 
  • colour 
  • font 
As an exercise in class we looked at home pages of websites and say our immediate reactions to the page. I think our immediate reactions are important as we only spend a few seconds judging a website and how to navigate around it. Here I have tried it out again 

fashion, art, young, photography, shop, pattern

formative, grids, easy to navigate 

art, design, formative, articles, minimal, bright 

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