Thursday 2 October 2014

Brief 1- Design Research

I now have a template that works so I need to start designing, but I am very unsure of how I want it to look, so I am going to research into leaflet design further. 

Originally I was going to have each flap that came down a different stage and a different colour. The only problem that having a different colour on each flap means that its going to be printed and when folded the colours on the paper may crack. So what I am now thinking is to have some colour stock and print my design in black and white, this will also make it a lot easer to design. 

This is some inspiration I found of Behance, I love the colours they have used and how it is all sectioned off neatly into boxes. 

A really nice use of colour and photography in this leaflet.

My favourite part of this collection of leaflets is the type, its different and fun.

I really like the use of pattern within this leaflet, this is a leaflet that a bit like a CV a girl has created for herself, the use of colour and shape is partially interesting. 

After speaking to my tutor he really liked the gradient in black and white in my test print, I suggested that I may have a green gradient to represent positivity in the design process. However I was worried that it may look too plain and boring. I really like hand drawn type but for this project I don't think I will have time to draw it all out, but to make it less boring I think I could look at patterns for each flap and experiment with the density of patterns to show a gradient and change. 

Above are some patterns that I like and that could inspire me to create my own. The top two are by hattie doodles one of my favourite illustrators and the bottom one is just one off google images. I will draw some patterns out myself scan them in and experiment with colour ext on illustrator. 

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